Moda-ML CPP extension

(2004 draft study)

The CPP specification (Collaboration Profile Protocol) allow the companies to declare how they intend to participate the business process described in BPSS.

MODA-ML publishes the reference BPSS for the T/C sector, in order to use them (according with the framework ebXML vision) to describe the capability of the company (Party) in the Collaboration Profiles (CPP); thanks to the CPP the firm specifies which are the activities/transactions of the business processes of the BPSS that they intend to support and their modalities.

In order to apply CPP approach in the T/C sector, (focusing on "Process Specification" rather than "Transport specification") the technical group of Moda-ML is studying the extension of the schema with an additional element (namely DocumentOptionaElement, DOE in short) to allow the declaration of the use of the exchange documents that they will support (feature that is not supported by ebXML in CPP: for example some optional elements might be considered as mandatory.

Following is an instance of MODA-ML CPP without the additional element (it is compliant with ebXML specifications):

another MODA-ML CPP with the additional element (EXTENSION of the ebXML specifications):

In both the cases, the CPP refers to the BPSS in the following way:


    tp:name="Fabric manufacturer"
    xlink:href= " manufacturer"/>

More information about CPP extensions are in:

Nicola Gessa, Cristiano Novelli, Massimo Busuoli, Fabio Vitali (pre-final version)
Use and extension of ebXML business profiles for Textile/Clothing firms (pre-final version)

(pp. 186-195 in "E-Commerce and Web Technologies", 5th international conference EC-Web 2004, Zaragoza, Spain, August/September 2004, Proceedings, ISBN 3-540-22917-5, Springer)

Download the (pre-final) paper with a click here

PDF - ebXML specifications ebBPSS
PDF - ebXML specifications ebcpp-2.0
WEB - samples of BPSS of MODA-ML
XML - sample of CPP of MODA-ML
XML - extended CPP of MODA-ML
DOC - paper about CPP and BPSS in Moda-ML
WEB - BPSS and CPP in Moda-ML