All laboratories at "Tecnopolo ENEA" in Bologna carry out industrial research and technology transfer activities (as stated in the annexes A titled “Requisiti per l’accreditamento istituzionale delle strutture di ricerca industriale e trasferimento tecnologico dell’Emilia-Romagna”),
Personalized services, representing most part of the activities of the organization, comprising:
industrial research and technology transfer projects, with an active involvement of external partners and users and a wide impact on the community, as well as projects within the frame of regional, national or European programs in partnership with other research institutions;
commissioned activities: industrial research and technology transfer projects carried out to fulfill special requirement by the customer;
Promotional and informational services: from workshops organization to the dissemination of informative materials (e.g. newsletters, websites), to present updates of activities and in-depth analyses on technological topics.
Educational services: courses and seminars for the external audience, aiming to transfer the knowledge about new technologies.
Services offered by XLAB are accessibile to the tecnica and scientific community (enterprises as well as pubblic administration) that arte interested on these issues. The laboratory resources are available for:
requests for documentation, feasibility study and training,
sperimental activities on ICT technologies (including the development of prototypes and demonstrators)
development/adaptation of standardised electronic documents; development of their use profiles
study and design of pre-competitive architectures for interoperability "XML based"
project building and management for pilot projects on interoperability technologies
design and pre-competitive development of SW tools supporting interoperability
Il Laboratorio ha realizzato progetti finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione