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Gianluca D’Agosta
imgImage Image
Mail gianluca.dagosta@enea.it
Phone +390516098104
Fax +390516098084
ResearchUnit X-LAB   (CROSS-TEC#/tecnopolo/defaultCROSS-TEC.asp?lingua=en&mL=menuCROSS-TEC#)
Role Lab Responsible
CV I have got my Full Degree in Physics of Matter on 1998 and I am working in ENEA since 1999 as full researcher.

I am collaborating with the CROSS-TEC laboratory since 2002 and I initially focused my activities on the re-engineering of the MODA-ML web site.

Next, I collaborate in several research and development projects funded by the 6th Framework Programme of the EC on the textile/clothing sector (Leapfrog CA and Leapfrog IP) with the aim of boosting the industrial sector with new technologies.

From 2011 to 2014 I have been the promoter and coordinator of a telemedicine project (SPES) with the aim of increasing the awareness on the concept that new technologies (ICT based) can improve the quality of life of people affected by chronic diseases.

Since April 2016 I am working on the VISAGE project, whose aim is to develop a software platform able to visualize and modify a virtual fabric not yet produced. This software can increase the collaborative design in the textile/clothing sector.

Since October 2016 I am collaborating at the NIMBLE project to develop a platform allowing the B2B (Business to Business collaborations and industrial level) and M2M (Machine to Machine collaborations) in several industrial sectors, among others the textile one.

I have acquired skills on relational database creation and management, on developing web-based applications using different platforms based on JAVA, PHP or ASP and on the installation and management of small server based on LINUX.
Account LinkedIN social https://it.linkedin.com/in/gianluca-dagosta-16aa747
Account skype lupacchiotto603
Bibliographic research click here for bibliographic research#/tecnopolo/imple/liste.asp?opz=1&rtdr=/tecnopolo/&xmlsrclista=/tecnopolo/imple/Bibliografia-lista.xml&lingua=en&w=instr([authors]%2C%27D’Agosta%27)&wtext=Bibliographic research with author D’Agosta




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