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Formation of supramolecular clusters at the interface of zeolite X following the adsorption of rare-earth cations and their impact on the macroscopic properties of the zeolite
R. Guzzinati, E. Sarti, M. Catani, V. Costa, A. Pagnoni, A. Martucci, E. Rodeghero, D. Capitani, M. Pietrantonio, A. Cavazzini, and L. Pasti
Anno 2018
Articolo Rivista internazionale con referaggio
R. Guzzinati, E. Sarti, M. Catani, V. Costa, A. Pagnoni, A. Martucci, E. Rodeghero, D. Capitani, M. Pietrantonio, A. Cavazzini, and L. Pasti Formation of supramolecular clusters at the interface of zeolite X following the adsorption of rare-earth cations and their impact on the macroscopic properties of the zeolite ChemPhysChem - DOI:10.1002/cphc.201800333