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>List of all the projects
ECO-SCP-MED Integrating Experiences and Recommendations in Eco-Innovation for Sustainable Production and Consumption in the Mediterranean Area
Abstract The project ECO-SCP-MED is a 16-month project which aims at ensure sustainability across the supply chain of the mains products and services in the MED area, integrating experiences and recommendations towards this objective.
Large_Description The project ECO-SCP-MED is a 16-month project which aims at ensure sustainability across the supply chain of the main products and services in the MED area, whose cornerstone is fostering eco-innovation and competitiveness through transnational cooperation, integrating experiences and recommendations towards this objective. ECO-SCP-MED will integrate relevant outputs and mutualize experiences and achievements in view to future policy evolution and next programming period.
Four main areas will be covered throughout the project: Sustainability of Products and Services, Sustainability of the production process, Sustainable management of Industrial areas, and sustainable consumption patterns and behaviour. Partners from 5 Med countries and 1 IPA, together with 18 external experts, will gather their experiences from previous Med or other projects to capitalize their outputs towards a wider objective and to reinforce and enlarge the capacities of the classical, targeted and strategic projects carried out at multi-stakeholders levels (operational, institutional, entrepreneurial). Partnership, together with external experts, will make an in depth-analysis of achieved outputs in the focus areas, and develop on this basis a common integrated model of sustainable consumption and production in the MED area. On another hand, partners will carry out Networking activities to share and discuss policy recommendations together with Institutional stakeholders in order to develop joint policy recommendations that aim to be proposed to European Authorities to be included in next Programming Period. At this step, various Regional Authorities will be involved to ensure the validation of these policy recommendations.
Finally, and in order to reach all target groups and to validate the integrated model, regional conferences will be organized by all partners, and training sessions directed to market will be organized in the four focus areas.
location Mediterranean regions: Italy, Spain, France, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece.
start_date 01/07/2013
end_date 31/12/2014
url_reference www.ecoscpmed.eu
IPR All the outputs are free of rights and consequently of public interest as defined in the Consortium Agreement
achievements • In-depth analysis of good practices (tools and methodologies) produced by previously approved MED projects.
• Report on the transnational workshop for internal validation of the in-depth analysis of good practices;
• Integrated MED - SCP Model;
• MED SCP Joint Policy Recommendations;
• MED - SCP Model training materials;
innovation Integration of methodologies, tools, multi-levels of governance, will provide a broad innovative capitalization of results and dissemination to reinforce the opportunities of eco-innovation in the Med Area.
Keywords Sustainable Production and Consumption, Eco-innovation, Eco-industrial parks
Development_Status Complete
Funding European
Keywords Sustainable Production and Consumption, Eco-innovation, Eco-industrial parks
Project_Type INN
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
LEI LCA ed ecodesign per l’eco-innovazione Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT) Scientific/Technical coordinator

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1 Energy
2.1 LCA-ECODESIGN Life cycle Assessment and Ecodesign




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