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On-site Technical Assistance to the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Secretariat in Georgia, Kenya and Morocco
Acronym CBRN 2
Abstract Scientific support of ENEA for the development of the technical skills of the Secretariats of the Centers of Excellence CBRN.
Large_Description Scientific support of ENEA for the development of the technical skills of the Secretariats of the Centers of Excellence CBRN "On-site Technical Assistance to the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centers of Excellence Secretariat in Georgia, Kenya and Morocco".
The EU CBRN CoE Initiative covers the Middle East, the region of the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries, Central Asia, North Africa, Atlantic façade (North West Africa), Central and Eastern Africa, South East Europe and Ukraine, Moldova and South Caucasus as well as South East Asia. A network of more than 40 countries is established and its main objective is to improve national CBRN risk mitigation policies and upgrade crisis preparedness mechanisms through the implementation of concrete actions in the areas of export control of dual-use goods, illicit trafficking of CBRN materials, bio-safety and bio-security and the engagement of scientists. Three CBRN experts will be placed in the CoE Secretariats currently located in, Nairobi, Rabat and Tbilisi, for a duration of three years. The main task is to provide technical support to the CBRN Centers of Excellence Secretariats in the respective regions, to identify and develop and formulate regional projects in the field of CBRN Risk Mitigation. They will be in constant contact with the local actors and entities, with the EU Commission (JRC, Devco) and the EU Delegations in order to identify and formulate the necessary actions to contribute to the risk mitigation in the respective region.
location Georgia, Kenya and Morocco
start_date 18/04/2016
end_date 17/04/2019
Keywords Coordination, Cooperation, Education, Training, Security
Development_Status Complete
Funding European
Keywords Coordination, Cooperation, Education, Training, Security
S3 Area none  Traiectory  not specified
Platform none  Section not specified
Project_Type R&D
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
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