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>List of all the projects
Consulenza sull’ approccio modellistico dello studio di Valutazione del danno Sanitario per la Centrale Federico II di Brindisi.
Acronym VDS Brindisi
Abstract Technical support to ENEL Ricerca in updating the study on health effects of the airborne pollutants released by the Federico II (Brindisi) coal power plant. Review of the atmospheric modeling techniques applied.
location Cerano, Brindisi, Regione Puglia
start_date 26/02/2014
end_date 26/05/2014
IPR results belong to the client
Keywords atmospheric modeling, impact assessment, coal power plants
Development_Status Complete
Funding Other type
Keywords atmospheric modeling, impact assessment, coal power plants
Project_Type R&D
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
MIA Inquinamento atmosferico: Modelli e caratterizzazione Inquinanti Atmosferici Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT) Scientific/Technical coordinator

Related research topics
Code Topic Description
2.7.1 Models and characterisation for Athmosferic poll




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Il Laboratorio ha realizzato progetti finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione
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