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A. Rizzo, S. Bruni, A. Gessi, G. Marghella, L. Moretti, C. Telloli, P. Bartolomei, A. Luce
Anno 2018
Poster Conferenza Internazionale con referaggio
Introduction: Ion exchange resins (IERs) are commonly used in PWR nuclear reactors as filters for 14C impurities. Their efficiency, both as filters and as waste containers, is strictly connected with their morphology. The preservation of the spherical shape of both cationic and anionic resins in time, in use or just stocked, is one of the key parameters for their quality assessment and for the evaluation of the potential release of radioisotopes during the storage condition. In the present work, we investigated the change in the morphology of the IERs during storage periods and the content of 14C in their volatile and non-volatile components upon natural ageing and artificial degradation. Methods: The IERs three-dimensional and symmetric shape has been studied by means of SEM microscopy, on new and aged specimens, in order to assess the quality of the resins after 10 years of disposal and contribute to the understanding of the mechanism of radiocarbon release. The 14C content has been measured by the means of a tailored system, designed and implemented at the ENEA laboratory.
The 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference 17 - 22 giugno 2018 a Trondheim (Norvegia) Poster n. 286