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BIBLIOGRAFIA prodotta dal laboratorio

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Preliminary analysis of gaseous radiocarbon behavior in a geological repository hosted in salt rock
Autori R. Levizzari, B. Ferrucci, A. Luce  Anno 2018
Tipologia Articolo Rivista internazionale con referaggio
Abstract A preliminary evaluation of gaseous radiocarbon ( ¹⁴ C) behavior under geological repository conditions for Italian radioactive high level waste-long-lived and intermediate level waste disposal has been performed. Although in Italy there is still no defined project for a geological disposal facility, current work may support future safety assessment studies for a hypothetical future repository in deep salt rock. In the Italian context of radioactive waste, the percentage of ¹⁴ C bearing waste to be disposed in a possible geological repository is low; irradiated graphite is the most important radiological source. Data about the radiological inventory has been collected to simulate production and migration of gaseous ¹⁴ C in a hypothetical geological repository. Three different conceptual models have been developed and simulated. The first model has considered a preliminary evaluation of the radiological impact referred to the whole inventory; the second and third model have evaluated the impact only due to the irradiated graphite. A preliminary sensitivity analysis has been carried out, highlighting the importance of geometry and of distribution coefficients (K d ) in materials used to seal the disposal underground facility. Results show the possibility to correlate the K d values, the volume and the location of the sealing materials to the amount of ¹⁴ C migrating toward the surface.
Referenza_Bibliografica Radiocabron, 60(6) (2018) 1897-1910.
Riferimento WEB https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329278849_Preliminary_analysis_of_gaseous_radiocarbon_behavior_in_a_geological_repository_hosted_in_salt_rock
Unita di Ricerca RADEC
LastUpdate 05/01/2022
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