Sei nel menu dedicato all'energia, la mobilità sostenibile, le smart city, i big data, le reti di imprese, le tecnologie ICT per l'interoperabilità e per la progettazione.
Intelligent distribution for efficient and affordable supplies. Smart water use and water recycling at building level. Ways for resource efficiency, Water saving in residential buildings, Use of grey water.
Failla, B.
Anno 2014
Articolo Conferenza internazionale con referaggio
According to current projections, world population will continue to grow, and climate change shows: a) a continuous need to face floods, and b) a decrease of freshwater availability and an increase of drought in some geographic areas for the future. With the target to face these challenges it is of use, among other possibilities, to continue to improve the resource efficiency. In this paper ways concerning improvements relating to developments of innovative systems applications addressed market uptake, that use alternative resources [like: use of grey water] to save traditional resources (like: drinking water), are described.
FAILLA, B. "Water Ideas Conference 2014". Proceedings, Paper, October 24th, 2014 in IWA Conference in conjunction with ACCADUEO Fair. Bologna, Italy, October 22th-24th, 2014.