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Post-earthquake safety interventions on the Visitazione di Maria Santissima church in Reno Finalese
Carpani B., Gugliandolo A., Marghella G., Marzo A., Segreto M.-A.
Anno 2012
Articolo Rivista internazionale con referaggio
Following the earthquakes of May 20th and 29th,2012, which involved an extensive part of Emilia territory (the Western part of Emilia-Romagna), ENEA has been involved in the operations of usability testing and post-earthquake safety interventions on the various construction typologies existing on the territory.
This paper is focused on cultural and artistic interest constructions, only. After the seismic event, many churches and historic buildings have suffered significant damage. Some of these have undergone devastating and permanent damage. Others can be restored if immediate safety interventions will be realized before carring out the appropriate retrofitting interventions, in order to preserve the historical construction from worsening the damage.
The example presented below, concerns the Visitazione di Maria Santissima Church in Reno Finalese (Modena). ENEA proposed a safety intervention, which has been approved by the Regional Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Landscape in Emilia-Romagna.
Carpani B., Gugliandolo A., Marghella G., Marzo A., Segreto M.-A. "Post-earthquake safety interventions on the Visitazione di Maria Santissima church in Reno Finalese" EAI 4/5-2012 Focus on the Pianura Padana Emiliana Earthquake