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Envopur Spiral-wound membrane modules with new type of spacer (tubular spacer)
The tubular spacer technology joins economics of spiral-wound modules and free flow of capillary modules.
The feed spacer forms free flow channels within the module without any obstruction because of ligaments across the direction of flow (like in parallel spacers or diamond spacers). Description including main features/advantages Tubular spacers are made by thermoplastic forming. Width of spacer may be varied according to specifications up to 50 mil. Tubular spacers may be introduced in 4' and 8' spiral wound modules, compatible to conventional equipment in UF, NF and RO treatment. Tubular spacers may be favourably used for filtration of complex heterogeneous wastewaters which tend to form precipitates or agglomerates during concentration of the feed. Innovative aspects - Beneficial combination of properties of spiral wound and capillary membrane elements - Interchangeable with conventional spiral wound elements - Improved tolerance towards colloidal and suspended organic matter Current and potential industrial users/domains of application Industrial wastewater (paper industry, surface refinement, photovoltaic’s…), leachate treatment, acid filtration Current state of development Pilot scale, patent pending Contact details Organisation EnviroChemie GmbH Website Contact person Dr. M. Engelhart Address In den Leppsteinswiesen 9 D-64380 Rossdorf Phone +49 (0)6154 6998 57 Fax +49 (0)6154 6998 30 Email