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Based on state-of-the-art software technology, WESTforOPTIMIZATION allows consultants and engineers to optimize the wastewater treatment processes.
The flexibility and the truly open model structure (one can change any model in the model library without limitations) in combination with add-on modules for easier calibration (sensitivity analysis, automatic parameter estimation, scenario analysis and uncertainty analysis) makes WESTforOPTIMIZATION the most powerful tool available. Description including main features/advantages • Quick and easy set-up. • Plant layout set-up (unlimited size and complexity) using the extended model and components library, including controllers (for the list of models, see Annex). • Automatic generation of optimized models resulting in unparalleled simulation speed. • Influent fractionation and data evaluation. • Dynamic and interactive simulation runs. • Graphic display of data during simulation runs. • Model Editor • Parameter estimation • Scenario analysis • Sensitivity analysis • Uncertainty analysis Innovative aspects Integration of dynamic simulation into process optimization leads to better designs. Current and potential industrial users/domains of application Consultants, design engineers, plant managers, research institutes Current state of development More than 1000 users worldwide. Contact details Organisation MOSTforWATER NV Website Contact person Dirk Van der Stede Address Sint-Sebastiaanslaan 3A 8500 Kortrijk Belgium Phone +32 56 35 43 90 Fax +32 56 36 02 30 Email