ICP-MS triple quadrupole as analytical technique to define trace and ultra-trace fingerprint of extra virgin olive oil
Telloli C, Tagliavini S, Passarini F, Salvi A, Rizzo A
Anno 2023
Articolo Rivista internazionale con referaggio
Extra virgin olive oil is a typical product of Mediterranean area, and its origin protection is continuously improved. 24 olive oil samples from different geographical origin were analyzed and 40 elements were evaluated with chemometric techniques. This study aims at elaborating a method to determine mineral composition of this matrix and at validating the method used to determine its reliability. The high-level laboratory facilities for trace element/isotopic analysis realized in ENEA Brasimone (Italy) is a useful tool to reduce the limit of detection of elements, cutting down pollutants. Both Clean Laboratory for sample pre-treatment and Clean Room Standard ISO 6 are constantly monitored to guarantee the control quality. The results obtained using ICP-MS Triple Quadrupoles show changes between the analysed samples. Finally, Principal Component Analysis was conducted to better characterize olive oil products from different geographical origin, providing a fingerprint of the element patterns in the samples.