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Life Cycle Assessment of energy systems: literature review of photovoltaic systems
abstract Literature review of LCA on photovoltaic systems in order to identify adopted indicators and critical processes. The Global warming emissions of this systems have been compared to the ones of the Italian electricity mix mainly based on fossil fuels.
Description A literature review of LCA studies on photovoltaic systems has been carried out in order to evaluate the global warming potential of greenhouse gases emissions. Papers on LCA studies have been analysed to identify useful indicators for sustainable evaluations and critical processes of photovoltaic technologies.
This report shows the main characteristics of the Italian electric system and the assessment of CO2 emissions/kWhe, evaluated both with the conventional methodology, considering only the combustion emissions of fossil fuels, and with the LCA methodology, considering the emissions along the entire life cycle of the system.
Moreover, the electric energy production from the photovoltaic technologies is decribed, and some information on future technological development are given.
Finally, the results of the literature analysis are shown.
These results will support Local Authorities and industrial areas managing bodies in energy management decisions for APEA.
Keywords Photovoltaic systems, LCA, CO2 emissions, Energy payback Time
Laboratory LEI
Partner ENEA
Main research topic 2.2 Environmental analysis of energy plants
Direct LISEA result Vero
Direct Technopole result Falso
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Code Topic Description ID
2.2 Environmental analysis of energy plants Environmental analysis of energy plants 15

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