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Topic code
1.6. Sismica, sicurezza e sostenibilità infrastrutture
Subclasses of the research Topic
Code Topic Description
1.6.1 Sicurezza e sostenibilità con approccio multirischio e tecnologie geomatiche Tecnologie di telerilevamento e sistemi informativi territoriali applicate alla prevenzione dei rischi naturali ed antropici, al monitoraggio ed alla gestione delle emergenze.

Available related Outcomes and deliverables
Title Abstract Keywords Link
Post-Earthquake Safety Interventions on the Visitazione di Maria Santissima Church in Reno Finalese Following the Emilia-Romagna earthquakes of May 2012, ENEA has been involved in the operations of usability testing and post-earthquake safety interventions on the territory. This paper is focused on cultural and artistic interest constructions. Earthquake, seismic, cultural heritage
Damage mechanisms in some residential building typologies during the Pianura Padana Emiliana Earthquake This work shows some results of the damage survey carried out on several localities by the ENEA teams in the post-earthquake emergency phase. Earthquake, seismic, residential buildings, damage
Damage to religious buildings due to the Pianura Padana Emiliana earthquake The paper reports the most common mechanisms of damage in churches, oratories and steeples as a result of the damage survey carried out by ENEA researchers in the areas of Emilia-Romagna region affected by the earthquake of May 2012. Earthquake, seismic, cultural heritage, damage in churches, historical centres
Behaviour of industrial buildings in the Pianura Padana Emiliana Earthquake During the seismic event of May 2012 in the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy), several industrial structures collapsed or were severely damaged. Earthquake, seismic, industrial structures
Edilizia Sicura The first episode of Edilizia Sicura is dedicated to the prevention of earthquake's damages, giving practical advice to citizens. In the interview Anna Marzo, Engineer of Laerte Laboratory at ENEA. Buindings safety, seismic safety, industrial buildings, earthquake
The reconstruction plan of the Municipality of Arsita (Teramo, Italy) The project concerns the reconstruction plan of the Municipality of Arsita following the earthquake of April 6, 2009 with an epicenter in L'Aquila.
Earthquake, Reconstruction
Post-earthquake interventions: prevention techniques and safety Interventions on industrial buildings following of the Emilia-Romagna earthquake of May 2012 Industrial buildings, seismic, earthquake

Research units working on the topic
Unit Research unit long name Laboratory In short URL
SAFE SAFE (Sicurezza e sostenibilità di infrastrutture, impianti ed edifici con approccio multi rischio: sismico, incendio , impatto, etc.) Home page TEMAF laboratory (Materials)

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