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Feasibility study on interoperability in Energy Communities
abstract Feasibility study concerning the design and adoption of interoperability specifications implementing data exchange and indicators that estimate evolution and performance of energy communities.
Description ENEA is developing a reference scenario (see Figure below) providing a digital representation (digital twin) of the Energy Community able to predict and compare different community configurations, starting from data collection (e.g. hourly production and consumption data) up to the simulation and calculation of energy and economic indicators.
The feasibility study aims to outline and validate an interoperability layer for this scenario and to highlight the way and advantages of exchanging and collecting data according to common interfaces, such as the opportunity to design, implement, share and compare indicators.

The feasibility study is carried out as part of Spoke2-Workpackage 2 of the Ecosister Project (

The interoperability specifications analyzed as part of the feasibility study are the UrbanDataset Specification, part of the Smart City Platform Specification (SCPS) developed by ENEA in the context of Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico (
Authors Samuele Branchetti, Arianna Brutti, Angelo Frascella
Keywords Interoperability specifications, data exchange, Energy Commmunities, Smart City, digital twin, UrbanDataset, XML, JSON
Image  1 

Reference scenario for the feasibility study

TRL - technology readiness level 4 Small scale prototype. Technology validated in lab
Link1 Feasibility study download
Link2 Enea activities related to Ecosister Project
Laboratory X-LAB
Partner ENEA
Direct LISEA result Falso
Direct Technopole result Vero
Related research topics
Code Topic Description ID
3.1 Interoperability technologies 1
3.4 Smart city Smart city 46
3.4.6 Energy communities Energy communities are an approach that enables citizens and companies in a territory working together to invest in renewables, reduce energy costs and promote virtuous behavior in the use of energy that increase efficiency and improve the production of r 84

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