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Mediterranean Eco Industrial Development
Acronym MEID
Abstract The objective of MEID partners is to support sustainable development process and SMEs competitiveness developing a Mediterranean decision-making model for the planning, construction and management of Industrial Areas.
Large_Description The MEID project aims to enhance capacities and to develop tools for Competent Authorities to integrate environmental friendly solutions into Regional and Interregional Development Strategies related to Industrial Policy.
The following actions will be addressed in details:
- Identification of innovative methods, tools and technologies based on a green approach for reducing environmental impact and supporting the development and use of clean technologies in the industrial areas
- Promotion of the continuous improvement of environmental performances of the industrial areas located in MED space, with a particular focus on the following fields: integrating production and dismissal of solid waste, energy saving and the use of renewable energies, reducing water consumption, better viability and avoid the deposit of dangerous material
- Improvement of SMEs innovation in the fields of energy, sustainable building and environment protection by issuing specified guidelines and by boosting suitable synergies
- Improvement of capacities and training new professionals on the planning, construction and management of sustainable industrial areas
MEID project brings together 11 partners from 6 different countries and it is articulated in 36 months. The overall budget of the project is approximately 1,300,000.00 euro.
location Mediterranean Region
start_date 01/07/2010
end_date 30/06/2013
achievements Procedural model for the planning, construction and management of Industrial Areas in MED area; definition of sustainable rules for construction in IA; involvement of SMEs in sustainable development to strengthen their competitiveness.
Development_Status Complete
Funding European
Project_Type R&D
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
LEI LCA ed ecodesign per l’eco-innovazione Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT) Scientific/Technical coordinator

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Code Topic Description
2.3 APEA Environmentally friendly productive areas

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