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>List of all the projects
Acronym CBRN13
Abstract Following the assessment of the needs of and based on discussions with the countries, this project is aimed at raising awareness of the risks posed by CBRN materials.
Large_Description 1. To improve understanding of the issue in order to raise the awareness of countries of the risk posed by CBRN materials if they are not properly managed in the country at borders, airports, seaports.
2. To strengthen the importance of the issue across the region and to promote synergies among the international initiatives already in place.
3. To boost regional and international cooperation.
4. To promote the development/establishment of an appropriate Sustainable risk-based National Strategy/ National CBRN Action Plan.
5. To enhance the beneficiary countries’ capacity to combat illicit trafficking.
6. To identify stakeholders at national level.
7. To increase inter-agency cooperation at national and regional level.
8. To raise awareness on the CBRN legal framework
start_date 01/01/2013
end_date 31/12/2014
Development_Status Complete
Funding European
S3 Area none  Traiectory  not specified
Platform none  Section not specified
Project_Type R&D
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
NUFOC Nucleare forense e CBRN forense Home page Traceability laboratory Scientific/Technical coordinator

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S Scientific divulgation




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Il Laboratorio ha realizzato progetti finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione
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