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Acronimo MER
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Sommario MER intends to capitalize the already implemented transnational cooperation projects concerning industrial area management and sustainability.
Descrizione MER intends to capitalize the already implemented transnational cooperation projects concerning industrial area management and sustainability to build up a European Network to share experiences in the green marketing sector and identify good practices for sustainable and responsible economic development.
MER is financed by the MED Progamme, European Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013, 7th call - call for capitalization projects.
The project partners are the following:
Lead Partner - Province of Bologna (IT)
Data iniziale 01/07/2013  Data conclusione 31/12/2014
URL http://www.merproject.eu/
Risultati MER project through a 'network of networks' shares experiences, ideas, opportunities, best practices and perspectives on energy, environmental issues and green marketing tools, to contribute to the improvement of competitiveness and attractiveness in the frame of sustainable growth according to the Europe 2020 Strategy.
General objectives

To capitalise results coming out from different cooperation projects concerning industrial areas with a particular focus on environmental issues, green marketing tools and skilled management
To build up a wide European network based on the 'learning by interacting' concept in order to cherish experience, learn from failure, work for joint long-term solutions to shared problems
To develop a 'lobbying approach' and propose a road map and an action plan capable of influencing new Regional and European long term policies
To replicate good practices, models and procedure already implemented, on a greater scale and in several territorial contexts.
Tangible Results:

- Thematic Study visits in the partner countries
- Joint technical workshops
- Open e-books with developed guidelines
- Training activities
- Local action plan
- Subscribed commitments to the European road map
Keywords Sunstainable Industrial Areas, Green Territorial Marketing, Small Medium Enterprises Development, Energy Efficiency, Environmental Menagement
Stato di sviluppo Completato
Finanziamento Europeo
Tipo di progetto Altro
Keywords Sunstainable Industrial Areas, Green Territorial Marketing, Small Medium Enterprises Development, Energy Efficiency, Environmental Menagement
Partecipazione unita di ricerca al progetto
Unita di ricerca Denominazione Laboratorio Ruolo
EDI Efficientamento energetico degli edifici mediante l’adozione di materiali innovativi ed energie rinnovabili Home page laboratorio LAERTE (EFF.ENERGETICA) Partner




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Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione
Il Laboratorio ha realizzato progetti finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione
Attrattività Ricerca Territorio - Emilia-Romagna
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