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Atlantium - Hydro-Optic Disinfection™ technology
Abstract Atlantium Technologies has re-invented ultraviolet-based water disinfection.
Descrizione By leveraging the mechanics of Total Internal Reflection, Atlantium has created Hydro-Optic Disinfection™, the most efficient UV microbe inactivation technology available anywhere. Atlantium’s environmentally-friendly systems attain unprecedented levels of disinfection, helping industry and drinking water suppliers worldwide to provide healthier, safer products.
Description including main features/advantages
Key operating principles lead to high microbial inactivation
The units adapt the physics principle of Total Internal Reflection and are engineered to achieve uniform dose distribution - design changes that lead to unprecedented performance. These two fundamentals have resulted in demonstrated and validated attainment of high microbial inactivation levels.
Real-time monitoring and control maintain required disinfection dose
The Hydro-Optic Disinfection system consistently delivers the required dose. Its Monitoring and Control software provides real-time, continuous reading of the water flow, continuous measurement of UV transmissivity and UV lamp intensity, and adjusts the required disinfection dose as conditions change. This saves energy while still providing the required protection for the microbial challenges. Innovative aspects Superior microbial inactivation resulting from uniform dose distribution (UDD) Environmentally-friendly; no disinfection by-products Low operating costs Simple maintenance Simple integration System performance validated according to EPA protocols Current and potential industrial users/domains of application
Through excellent results combined with ever-growing expertise, Atlantium is building its concentration in a number of market sectors where the need for non-chemical, highly effective disinfection methods is especially important. The company's systems are currently used by businesses in the aquaculture, aquaculture, food & beverage and diary industries and by municipalities for a broad range of applications such as flow-through / firewall, non-thermal pasteurization and post-GAC disinfection, drinking water and more. In the near future, Atlantium will be entering additional markets where demand from the field, combined with research results that show the effectiveness of Atlantium's systems for the required applications, are demonstrated. Current state of development
The R-series Hydro-Optic Disinfection system was launched in 2005, and in 2008 Atlantium launched its RZ-series.
Contact details
Inrada N.V.
Contact person
G. de Baene
Turnhoutsebaan 511
2110 Wijnegem
tel. +32 (0)3 355 10 20
fax +32 (0)3 355 10 29
e-mail: inrada@inrada.com
TRL - technology readiness level 5 Prototipo in grande scala o scala reale.
Link1 http://www.aquafit4use.eu/downloads
Laboratorio TIGRI
Partner ENEA
Topic di ricerca 2.5.2 Trattamento reflui industriali
Risultato LISEA Falso
Risultato Tecnopolo Falso
Topic di ricerca collegati
Code Topic Descrizione ID
2.5.2 Trattamento reflui industriali 41




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