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The SWITCH4FOOD (Services for Water and InTegrated teCHniques for FOODindustry ) water methodology assessment
The project SWITCH4FOOD was coordinated by ENEA and aimed to identify and analyze best practices and knowledge (technologies/methodologies) of SMEs in the food industry for water use and wastewater.
Description The SWITCH4FOOD water methodology assessment was developed and tested in the some SME (members of the SWITCH4FOOD virtual club); the SMEs received suggestions on how implement and solve their management water problems.
Contatti D.ssa Carmela Maria Cellamare ENEA Laboratorio Protezione e Gestione della Risorsa Idrica Via Martiri di Monte Sole, 4 40129 - Bologna Tel: +39 (0)516098658 Fax: +39 (0)516098303