eBIZ-TCF - Harmonising e-Business for textile/clothing and footwear | ||||||||||||
Acronym | eBIZ-TCF | |||||||||||
Abstract | Harmonising e-Business processes and data exchanges for SMEs in the textile/clothing and footwear sectors in the Single Market. It is a 2-year cooperation project launched by the European Commission to boost e-business processes in the Industries |
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Large_Description | eBIZ-TCF, 'Harmonising eBusiness processes and data exchanges for SMEs in the textile/clothing and footwear sectors in the Single Market', (tender for DG Enterprise ENTR/2007/027, 2008-2009). The eBIZ-TCF project (www.ebiz-tcf.eu) is a 2-year cooperation project launched in January 2008 by the European Commission to boost e-business processes in the Textile/Clothing and Footwear (TCF) Industries. In an increasingly complex and fast-changing trade/economic environment, the fashion and footwear industries requires fast time-to-market reaction. Standards and agreed reference architectures allow suppliers, manufacturers and retailers to connect their businesses within the value chain. Despite lot of initiatives in the fashion industry, standardisation and widespread adoption by users, were still lacking until eBIZ-TCF … Project Consortium The project consortium is made up by the 3 key partners(EURATEX, CEC, ENEA) authors of the project proposal and, responsible vis-à-vis the EC for the correct project implementation. The eBIZ-TCF pilots A call for Expression of Interest to participate in the eBIZ pilots was launched, with deadline on 30th September 2008. The objective was to involve additional European organisations to test and demonstrate the project results in the eBusiness domain. As a result of this call, more than one hundred organisations (industries, retail, ict providers) of 20 countries of Europe participate the pilots of the eBIZ-TCF project in order to support and experiment the sectorial architecture with their systems. More info on the pilots. |
start_date | 01/01/2008 | |||||||||||
end_date | 30/06/2010 | |||||||||||
url_reference | http://www.ebiz-tcf.eu | |||||||||||
IPR | Public results | |||||||||||
achievements | Reference eBIZ-TCF architecture , click here | |||||||||||
Keywords | textile clothing footwear eBusiness standard ubl xml ubl edi | |||||||||||
Development_Status | Complete | |||||||||||
Funding | European | |||||||||||
Keywords | textile clothing footwear eBusiness standard ubl xml ubl edi | |||||||||||
S3 Area | none Traiectory not specified | |||||||||||
Platform | none Section not specified | |||||||||||
Project_Type | STD | |||||||||||
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