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Topic code
I. Innovation in industry
Subclasses of the research Topic
Code Topic Description
I.1 Innovation in Fashion industry Innovation in FASHION industry

See also
Traceability in textile industry
I.1.1 Digital Product Passport Digital Product Passport
On 30 March 2022, the European Commission presented a communication on the EU strategy for a sustainable and circular textile sector (COM(2022) 141), the implementation of which the digital product passport will be one of the mos
I.1.2 Fashion industry Traceability Fashion industry Traceability: IT technologies for product tracing in the production process
See also
Innovation in fashion industry
I.2 Innovation in agrofood system Innovation in agrofood system
I.3 Innovation in building Innovation in building
I.4 Innovation in tourism Innovation in tourism
I.4.1 mobility and tourism mobility and tourism
I.4.2 smart services for tourism smart services for tourism
I.5 Innovation in government and public administration Innovation in government and public administration

Innovation in manufacturing industry
Related Projects
Acronym Project Abstract url_reference end_date
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SESEC Project for Sustainable Energy Saving for the European
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DEPUIS Promotion and training of Standards to support environmentally friendly design.(...) 31/07/2009
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Leapfrog CA Leapfrog CA, (FP6 NMP-IST), Coordinating action. Dissemination, creation and support to th(...) 01/06/2007
TexWeave Standardisation project (follow up of TexSpin).
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Available related Outcomes and deliverables
Title Abstract Keywords Link
Report: Time for Energy Efficiency in Textiles SMEs The final public report "Time for Energy Efficiency in Textiles SMEs" has been published by the SET project;
the report provides insight of what has been achieved and what will be pursued by textile companies of 12 countries in the near future.
textile, energy efficiency, decision support system
POLIS-EYE - Abstract data models for reconstructing and forecasting people flows Abstract Data Models providing a reference representation of the types of data flow useful for reconstructing and forecasting people flows.
POLIS-EYE - Abstract data models for reconstructing and forecasting people flows Abstract Data Models providing a reference representation of the types of data flow useful for reconstructing and forecasting people flows.

Research units working on the topic
Unit Research unit long name Laboratory In short URL
LEI LCA ed ecodesign per l’eco-innovazione Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT)
PROTO-LAB Unità Operativa PROTO-LAB per la prototipazione rapida e l’ingegneria inversa Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY)

Laboratory for Rapid Prototyping and Reverse Engineering both for design and process phases.

X-LAB Unità Operativa X-LAB Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY)

X-LAB is a laboratory, located in Bologna, dedicated to technologies and standards for interoperability and their tra...

Produced bibliography on the topic
Year Title Reference Publication type
2024 Towards a Service Marketplace to Empower Circular Economy Transition: An Example Application in the Supply Chain of Textile Industry Franke, M., Deng, Q., Hribernik, K.A., Thoben, KD., Ciaccio, G. (2024). Towards a Service Marketplac... Paper International Conference with referee
2024 Potential contribution to standardization from TRICK project Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., & Canepa, A. (2024). Potential contribution to standardization from TRI... Project report or deliverable
2023 An Anthropology of the Co-Emergency: Getting Inspired bt the Covid 19 for a Natural Economy Roberta Chiarini... Book chapter
2023 Towards a Blockchain-enabled Social-Life Cycle Assessment Service for Increased Value Chain Sustainability Mogos, M. F., Maestri, G., Fischer, T. V., & Ciaccio, G. (2023, June). Towards a Blockchain-Enabled ... Paper International Conference with referee
2023 Contribution of Geosciences to Cultural Heritage Conservation Assessment: The Case Study of the Loggiato dei Cappuccini in Comacchio (Italy)
Geosciences, 13, 157.
Paper International Conference with referee
2022 Towards Smart Cities for Tourism: the POLIS-EYE Project A. Seravalli, M. Busani, S. Venturi, A. Brutti, C. Petrovich, A. Frascella, F. Paolucci, M. Di Felic... Paper International Conference with referee
2022 Data Model and domain-specific ontologies implementation Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Massa, G., & Brutti, A. (2022). Data Model and domain-specific ontologi... Project report or deliverable
2022 Harmonized set of semantic standards, ontologies, nomenclatures Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Fantin, V., Scalbi, S., Massa, G., & Brutti, A. (2022). Harmonized set ... Project report or deliverable
2021 Energy Efficiency Indicators for Textile Industry Based on a Self-analysis Tool Branchetti S., Petrovich C., Ciaccio G., De Sabbata P., Frascella A., Nigliaccio G. (2021) Energy Ef... Paper International Conference with referee
2019 eBusiness standards and IoT technologies adoption in the Fashion Industry: preliminary results of an empirical research Bindi B., Fani V., Bandinelli R., Brutti A., Ciaccio G., De Sabbata P., eBusiness standards and IoT ... Paper International Journal with referee
2018 'Smart home network for smart social housing: a potential to boost the dignity of mankind', AA.VV., 42nd IAHS WORLD CONGRESS The housing for the dignity of mankind Others
2018 Barriers and Drivers of eBIZ adoption in the fashion supply chain: preliminary results Bindi B., Fani V., Bandinelli R., Massa G., Ciaccio G., Brutti A., De Sabbata P.,
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2012 eBusiness in Fashion Industry: Interoperability Standardisation Meets Industry Supply Chain Piero DE SABBATA, Arianna BRUTTI, Mauro SCALIA, Karolina KRZYSTEK, Josè Ignacio AGUADO,Marco RICCHET... Paper International Conference with referee
2011 Textile wastewater treatment in a bench-scale anaerobic-biofilm anoxic-aerobic membrane bioreactor combined with nanofiltration. Grilli S., Piscitelli D., Mattioli D., Casu S., Spagni A, 2011
J. Environ. Sci. Heal. A., 46(13): 1...
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2011 Water management in the textile industry: the aquafit4use project Spagni A., Vajnhandl S., Majcen Le Marechal A., Farina R.
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2010 Standard creation and adoption for SME networks P. De Sabbata, N.Gessa, A.Brutti, C.Novelli, A.Frascella, G.D'Agosta,"Standard creation and adoption... Paper International Conference with referee
2010 Treatment of a simulated textile wastewater containing the azo dye reactive orange 16 in an anaerobic-biofilm anoxic-aerobic membrane bioreactor Spagni A., Grilli S., Casu S., Mattioli D.
International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 64(7)...
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2009 Use Profile Management for B2B Standard Adoption: The Case of eBIZ-TCF A. Brutti, V. Cerminara, S. Cristiani, P. De Sabbata, N. Gessa, "Use Profile Management for B2B Stan... Paper International Conference with referee
2009 Knowledge Exchange Infrastructure to Support Extended Smart Garment Organizations P, De Sabbata, N, Gessa, G, D’Agosta, M. Busanelli, C. Novelli, 'Knowledge Exchange Infrastructure t... Book chapter
2009 Strategies for water reuse in the textile industry Mattioli D., Grilli S., Spagni A., D’Accurso S.
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2007 Note su processi di collaborazione e reti di fornitura nel tessile abbigliamento P. De Sabbata, 'Note su processi di collaborazione e reti di fornitura nel tessile abbigliamento', i... Paper Conference without referee
1999 Characterization of textile and other industrial wastewater by respirometric and titration bionsensor A. Rozzi, E. Ficara, C. M. Cellamare, G. Bortone
Water Science and Technology, 40, 1, 161-168; 1999...
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