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ResearchUnit long name Unità Operativa X-LAB
Department TERIN    ENEA
Laboratorio Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY)
Department description

Dipartimento Tecnologie Energetiche e Fonti Rinnovabili

Unit Responsible Gianluca D'Agosta
Unit description

X-LAB is a laboratory, located in Bologna, dedicated to technologies and standards for interoperability and their transfer and adoption to business networks (mainly in the manufacturing sector, with a specific attention to SMEs) and cities (smart city) ). X-LAB was born as joint initiative of ENEA (a state owned Italian research instution, and FTI (Forum per la Tecnologia dell’Informazione,, a no profit organisation of ICT providers and customers) launched in 2003 and following 13 years of activities of ENEA DTE-SEN-CROSS unit (already known as UDA-PMI or UTT-PMI) in the fields of the industrial districts and networks of enterprises in Italy. Since March 15th 2011 X-LAB is part of the CROSS-TECLaboratory in the Technopole Manifattura of Bologna of the Regional High Technology Network of the Emilia Romagna region.


The activities of X-LAB can be grouped in four main areas:

  • 1 - interoperability and tools for smart cities
    • development and analysis of data exchange specifications between verticals at different levels
    • specific demonstration projects
    • methodologies for interoperability testing
  • 2 - Building, promotion and adaptation/contextualisation of interoperability standards and dictionaries
    • promotion or partecipation to the creation of B2B standards (CEN/ISSS TexWeave, Moda-ML, collaborations with OASIS on UBL and ebXML , eBIZ-TCF project, UBL-Italia initiative)
    • awareness creation and fostering the B2B standard adoption (collaborations with Euratex, CEN/ISSS, eBIZ-TCF project)
    • participation to roadmapping activities in the fields of standards and Enterprise interoperability (CEN/ISSS eBIF, eBiz, European Technology Platform for Future Textile Clothing)
    • training material (paper based or web managed courses)
  • 3 - Research on Enterprise Interoperability and enterprise networking
    • Semantic based tools to support new standardisation paradigms
    • ICT support for establishing extended smart organisations and supply networks
    • Collaboration processes modelling and profile/agreement management
    • Semantic based tools for interoperability testin
    • Self-adapting data exchange interfaces
  • 4 - technology transfer projects and demonstrators, related with territorial demands
    • technology animation and demonstration on local scale (Centro CROSS, LISEA lab) and support to the creation of center of services at district level
    • sectorial specific projects of technology transfer or standard promotion
Related research topics
Code Topic Description
1.3 Smart Energy grids Energy grids
3.1 Interoperability technologies eInvoice electronic Invoice data models and standards
3.1.2 Communication technologies for interoperability Communication technologies for interoperability
3.1.5 eHealth Technologies and standard for interoperability in eHealth
3.1.6 blockchain blockchain and distributed ledger technologies
3.3 ICT for energy efficiency ICT for energy efficiency
3.4 Smart city Smart city
I Innovation in industry Innovation in manufacturing industry
I.1 Innovation in Fashion industry Innovation in FASHION industry

See also
Traceability in textile industry

Area of Interest

From a technological and scientific point of view the main interests are:

  • xml based technologies

  • participation to definition, adaptation and adoption of eBusiness standards (like ebXML and UBL)

  • implementation and development of tools to facilitate/speed-up the setting up of the collaboration in the enterprise networks

  • ontologies (OWL) to manage from a semantic point of view common dictionaries and ‘document factory’

  • data analysis methods

  • interoperability testing methods

The technological keywords are: XML, Web Services, B2B standards, ebXML, UBL, ontologies and semantic interoperability, virtual organisations.


The laboratory equipments in short:

  • Laboratory server network.

  • Document factory tools: tools for creation and maintenance of standard o standard-aware data models.

  • Applications and Java libraries to manipolate XML Schema and XML documents.

  • Test bed for standard conformance and for networked enterprises interoperability


Services offered by XLAB are accessibile to the tecnica and scientific community (enterprises as well as pubblic administration) that arte interested on these issues.
The laboratory resources are available for:

  • requests for documentation, feasibility study and training,

  • sperimental activities on ICT technologies (including the development of prototypes and demonstrators)

  • development/adaptation of standardised electronic documents; development of their use profiles

  • study and design of pre-competitive architectures for interoperability "XML based"

  • project building and management for pilot projects on interoperability technologies

  • design and pre-competitive development of SW tools supporting interoperability

produced bibliography
Year Title Reference Publication type
2025 Parametrization of self-consumption and self-sufficiency in Renewable Energy Communities: a case study application Carlo Petrovich, Samuele Branchetti, Gianluca D’Agosta, Parametrization of self-consumption and self... Paper International Journal with referee
2024 Predicting the impact of public events and mobility in Smart Cities Elena Bellodi, Riccardo Zese, Carlo Petrovich, Angelo Frascella, Francesco Bertasi "Predicting t... Paper International Journal with referee
2024 Potential contribution to standardization from TRICK project Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., & Canepa, A. (2024). Potential contribution to standardization from TRI... Project report or deliverable
2024 Towards a Service Marketplace to Empower Circular Economy Transition: An Example Application in the Supply Chain of Textile Industry Franke, M., Deng, Q., Hribernik, K.A., Thoben, KD., Ciaccio, G. (2024). Towards a Service Marketplac... Paper International Conference with referee
2023 Towards a Blockchain-enabled Social-Life Cycle Assessment Service for Increased Value Chain Sustainability Mogos, M. F., Maestri, G., Fischer, T. V., & Ciaccio, G. (2023, June). Towards a Blockchain-Enabled ... Paper International Conference with referee
2023 Establishing a Green Energy Transition Process in COVID Times Book chapter
2023 An Anthropology of the Co-Emergency: Getting Inspired bt the Covid 19 for a Natural Economy Roberta Chiarini... Book chapter
2022 Harmonized set of semantic standards, ontologies, nomenclatures Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Fantin, V., Scalbi, S., Massa, G., & Brutti, A. (2022). Harmonized set ... Project report or deliverable
2022 Data Model and domain-specific ontologies implementation Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Massa, G., & Brutti, A. (2022). Data Model and domain-specific ontologi... Project report or deliverable
2022 Implementing energy transition and SDGs targets throughout energy community schemes Francesca Cappellaro, Gianluca D’Agosta, Piero De Sabbata, Felipe Barroco, Claudia Carani, Alberto B... Paper International Journal with referee
2022 A Big Data Platform for the Smart Monitoring of Local Energy Communities A Big Data Platform for the Smart Monitoring of Local Energy Communities / Gagliardelli, Luca; Zecch... Paper International Conference with referee
2022 Towards Smart Cities for Tourism: the POLIS-EYE Project A. Seravalli, M. Busani, S. Venturi, A. Brutti, C. Petrovich, A. Frascella, F. Paolucci, M. Di Felic... Paper International Conference with referee
2022 PV self-consumption and self-sufficiency for household and office users: The lockdown effects during the COVID-19 pandemic Branchetti, S., Petrovich, C., Naldi, R., Paponetti, I.M., Paolucci, F., Nigliaccio, G. (2022). PV s... Paper International Journal with referee
2021 La Piattaforma LEC: Local Energy Communities "La Piattaforma LEC: Local Energy Communities", Gianluca D'Agosta e Claudia Meloni, capitolo di libr... Others
2021 Le Smart Energy Communities "Le Smart Energy Communities", Gianluca D'Agosta e Claudia Meloni, capitolo di libro
2021 A Comprehensive PED-Database for Mapping and Comparing Positive Energy Districts Experiences at European Level. Turci, G.; Alpagut, B.; Civiero, P.; Kuzmic, M.; Pagliula, S.; Massa, G.; Albert-Seifried, V.; Seco,... Paper International Journal with referee
2021 Definitions of Positive Energy Districts: A Review of the Status Quo and Challenges Albert-Seifried, V. et al. (2022). Definitions of Positive Energy Districts: A Review of the Status ... Book chapter
2021 Distributed ledgers to support revenue-sharing business consortia: a Hyperledger-based implementation P. Bottoni, R. Pareschi, D. Tortola, N. Gessa and G. Massa, "Distributed ledgers to support revenue-... Paper International Conference with referee
2021 The Lockdown and Smart Working Effects on Electric Energy Consumption: the Analysis for a Group of Employees Branchetti S., Petrovich C., Nigliaccio G., Paolucci F. (2021) The Lockdown and Smart Working Effec... Paper International Conference with referee
2021 Analysis of National Research Programs to Boost Urban Challenges in Transnational Cooperation Massa, G. (2021). Analysis of National Research Programs to Boost Urban Challenges in Transnational ... Paper International Conference with referee
2021 Energy Efficiency Indicators for Textile Industry Based on a Self-analysis Tool Branchetti S., Petrovich C., Ciaccio G., De Sabbata P., Frascella A., Nigliaccio G. (2021) Energy Ef... Paper International Conference with referee
2020 Le Energy Community nel quadro delle politiche europee e nazionali per la transizione energetica Marialaura Di Somma, Claudia Meloni, Gianluca D’Agosta,
"Le Energy Community nel quadro delle polit...
Paper Journal without referee
2020 Le Energy Community nel quadro delle politiche europee e nazionali per la transizione energetica Marialaura Di Somma, Claudia Meloni, Gianluca D’Agosta,
Focus ENEA: 'Le Energy Community nel quadro...
Paper Journal without referee
2020 Intelligent Smart Contracts for Innovative Supply Chain Management Bottoni Paolo, Gessa Nicola, Massa Gilda, Pareschi Remo, Selim Hesham, Arcuri Enrico, 'Intelligent S... Paper International Journal with referee
2020 Le comunità energetiche in Italia. Una guida per orientare i cittadini nel nuovo mercato dell’energia "Le comunità energetiche in Italia. Una guida per orientare i cittadini nel nuovo mercato dell’energ... Book
2020 Smart City: da ENEA una 'lingua' comune per lo scambio dei dati Angelo Frascella, Arianna Brutti, Nicola Gessa, "Smart City: da ENEA una 'lingua' comune per lo scam... Paper National Journal with referee
2020 An IoT Application for Industry 4.0: a New and Efficient Public Lighting Management Model M. Leccisi, F. Leccese, F. Moretti, L. Blaso, A. Brutti and N. Gozo, "An IoT Application for Industr... Paper International Conference with referee
2020 Data visualization tools for web applications - a survey C. Petrovich, Data visualization tools for web applications - a survey, SEN-P000-003, ENEA, Bologna,... Internal report (ENEA)
2019 Energy consumption characterization based on a self-analysis tool: a case study in yarn manufacturing Branchetti, S., Petrovich, C., Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Frascella, A. and Nigliaccio, G.
Paper International Conference with referee
2019 eBusiness standards and IoT technologies adoption in the Fashion Industry: preliminary results of an empirical research Bindi B., Fani V., Bandinelli R., Brutti A., Ciaccio G., De Sabbata P., eBusiness standards and IoT ... Paper International Journal with referee
2018 Barriers and Drivers of eBIZ adoption in the fashion supply chain: preliminary results Bindi B., Fani V., Bandinelli R., Massa G., Ciaccio G., Brutti A., De Sabbata P.,
Barriers and Driv...
2018 A minimum set of common principles for enabling Smart City Interoperability Angelo Frascella, Arianna Brutti, Nicola Gessa, Piero De Sabbata, Cristiano Novelli, Martin Burns, V... Paper International Journal with referee
2018 Interoperability in the Smart City: A Semantic Approach for Merging Flexibility with Strictness Arianna Brutti, Angelo Frascella, Nicola Gessa, Piero De Sabbata, Cristiano Novelli, "Interoperabili... Paper International Conference with referee
2018 A set of Key Performance Indicators for sustainability of SMEs in agribusiness sector Gilda Massa, Nicola Gessa, "A set of Key Performance Indicators for sustainability of SMEs in agribu... Paper International Conference with referee
2018 An Ontology Framework for Multisided Platform Interoperability Q. Deng, S. Gönül, Y. Kabak, N. Gessa, D. Glachs, F. Gigante, V. Damjanovic-Behrendt, K. Hribernik, ... Paper International Conference with referee
2017 An Approach to Provide Shared Architectural Principles for Interoperable Smart Cities Vatsal Bhatt, Arianna Brutti, Martin Burns, Angelo Frascella,
'Computational Science and Its Appli...
Paper International Conference with referee
2017 Monitoring denitrification by means of pH and ORP in continuous-flow conventional activated sludge processes DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT
Volume 61 January 2017
Paper International Journal with referee
2016 MODELLING OF CONTROL STRATEGIES AND POLICIES TO MANAGE URBAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS Proceedings of X International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering - SIDISA 2016,
Paper International Conference with referee
Sep2016, Vol. 15 Issue 9, pp. 1981-1988...
Paper International Journal with referee
2016 Report: Time for Energy Efficiency in Textiles SMEs Report: Time for Energy Efficiency in Textiles SMEs, Report pubblico pubblicato dal progetto SET (De... Project report or deliverable
2016 Urban wastewater treatment plant provided with tertiary finishing lagoons: Management and reclamation for irrigation reuse JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY
2016, 91, pp. 1615 - 1622
DOI: 10.1002/jctb.4908...
Paper International Journal with referee
2016 Analysing difficulties in the adoption of e-business standards, a look from the user perspective Nicola Gessa, Piero De Sabbata, Arianna Brutti, "Analysing difficulties in the adoption of e-busine... Paper International Conference with referee
2016 Energy Saving and Efficiency Tool A sectorial decision support model for energy consumption reduction in manufacturing SMEs Branchetti, S., Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Frascella, A., Nigliaccio, G. and Zambelli, M.
Energy ...
Poster International Conference with referee
2016 QFD for a SME network of the wood sector to improve competitiveness and sustainability. Gilda Massa, Nicola Gessa, 'QFD for a SME network of the wood sector to improve competitiveness and ... Paper International Conference with referee
2015 Investigation of the potential energy saving in a pilot-scale sequencing batch reactor In: Sewage Treatment Plants: Economic Evaluation of Innovative Technologies for Energy Efficiency - ... Book chapter
2015 Looking for the unified classification and evaluation approach of SG interface standards for the purposes of ELECTRA IRP
Angelo Frascella, Jacek Swiderski, Gianluigi Proserpio, Evangelos Rikos, Armağan Temiz, Aleksan... Paper International Conference with referee
2015 Supporting software interoperability using standardised interfaces: issues and needs Nicola Gessa, Angelo Frascella, Piero De Sabbata and Arianna Brutti, "Supporting software interopera... Paper International Conference with referee
2014 Energy efficient WWTPs: simulation and validation of a decision support system through modelling Proceedings of the 2nd IWA Specialized International Conference 'ecoSTP2014 - EcoTechnologies for Wa... Paper International Conference with referee
2014 An ontology-based approach for the instrumentation, control and automation infrastructure of a WWTP In: Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Congress o... Paper International Conference with referee
2014 A hybrid, integrated IEDDS for the management of Sequencing Batch Reactors In: Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Congress o... Paper International Conference with referee
OLARU, Carmen GHITULEASA, Claud...
Paper International Conference with referee
2014 An approach to interoperability testing to speed up the adoption of standards Arianna Brutti, Piero De Sabbata, Nicola Gessa, 'An approach to interoperability testing to speed up... Paper International Conference with referee
2012 eBusiness in Fashion Industry: Interoperability Standardisation Meets Industry Supply Chain Piero DE SABBATA, Arianna BRUTTI, Mauro SCALIA, Karolina KRZYSTEK, Josè Ignacio AGUADO,Marco RICCHET... Paper International Conference with referee
2012 A model to analyse critical factors in B2B interoperability standards life cycle Arianna Brutti, Piero De Sabbata, Gessica Ciaccio, Angelo Frascella, Cristiano Novelli, "A model to ... Paper International Conference with referee
2011 Smart Energy Grids e sicurezza ICT/3 Smart Energy Grids e sicurezza ICT/1, di Angelo Frascella, Andrea gentile, Piero Pozzi, su CyberCrim... Others
2011 Trends and opportunities in interoperability standardisation, The perspective of the COIN Integrated Research project Report 'Trends and opportunities in interoperability standardisation, The perspective of the COIN In... Project report or deliverable
2011 Smart Energy Grids e sicurezza ICT/2 Smart Energy Grids e sicurezza ICT/1, di Angelo Frascella, Andrea gentile, Piero Pozzi, su CyberCrim... Others
2011 Smart Energy Grids e sicurezza ICT/1 Smart Energy Grids e sicurezza ICT/1, di Angelo Frascella, Andrea gentile, Piero Pozzi, su CyberCrim... Others
2011 Discovering Potential Synergies between Research Projects and Standardisation, the COIN Case Arianna Brutti, Piero De Sabbata, Nicola Gessa, Cristiano Novelli and Enrico Del Grosso, "Discoverin... Paper International Conference with referee
2011 Standard for eBusiness in SMEs networks: the increasing role of customization rules and conformance testing tools to achieve interoperability Arianna Brutti, Piero De Sabbata, Angelo Frascella, Cristiano Novelli, Nicola Gessa, "Standard for e... Paper International Conference with referee
2010 Use profile management for standard conformant customisation A. Brutti, V. Cerminara, G. D'Agosta, P. De Sabbata, N. Gessa, "Use profile management for standard ... Paper International Conference with referee
2010 Standard creation and adoption for SME networks P. De Sabbata, N.Gessa, A.Brutti, C.Novelli, A.Frascella, G.D'Agosta,"Standard creation and adoption... Paper International Conference with referee
2010 An environment for a powerful business document schema profiling", in proceedings of e-Challenges 2010 Nicola Gessa, Arianna Brutti, Valentina Cerminara, Piero De Sabbata, Angelo Frascella, Cristiano Nov... Paper International Conference with referee
2009 Knowledge Exchange Infrastructure to Support Extended Smart Garment Organizations P, De Sabbata, N, Gessa, G, D’Agosta, M. Busanelli, C. Novelli, 'Knowledge Exchange Infrastructure t... Book chapter
2009 An Ajax Application To Improve Online Ontology Browsing: Ontology Explorer Matteo Busanelli, Massimo Bondi, Nicola Gessa, "An Ajax Application To Improve Online Ontology Brows... Paper International Conference with referee
2009 Use Profile Management for B2B Standard Adoption: The Case of eBIZ-TCF A. Brutti, V. Cerminara, S. Cristiani, P. De Sabbata, N. Gessa, "Use Profile Management for B2B Stan... Paper International Conference with referee
2009 Promoting Interoperability through Research, Standardisation and Demonstration P. De Sabbata, A. Brutti, N. Gessa, A. Frascella, C. Novelli, G. D'Agosta, M. Stefanova, V. Cerminar... Paper National Conference with referee
2008 Supporting Enterprise Network Set Up Combining ebXML, Semantic Tools and Sectorial Standards M.Busanelli, P. De Sabbata, N. Gessa, C. Novelli, G. D'Agosta, "Supporting Enterprise Network Set Up... Paper International Conference with referee
2007 Note su processi di collaborazione e reti di fornitura nel tessile abbigliamento P. De Sabbata, 'Note su processi di collaborazione e reti di fornitura nel tessile abbigliamento', i... Paper Conference without referee
2007 ebXML per manager (edizione italiana)
"ebXML per manager (edizione italiana)", F.B.E. van Blommenstein, P.G.L. Potgieser (edizione italian... Others

Training and Study

X-Lab hosts currently students universities for stages and development of projects (mainly from engineering and computer science courses). Researchers from national and international institutions can be hosted.

Work Opportunities

Currently there are not open calls. Applications for stages for researchers could be evaluated.


X-Lab is connected to international networks:

Address via Martiri di Monte Sole 4
ZIP 40129
Town Bologna (BO)
Country Italia
URL-2 Sito ENEA per le imprese
URL-3 Laboratorio regionale CROSS-TEC
Related web sites

Web site
- Interoperability Technologies for the European Textile - Clothing sector

Web site
- European initiative for the eBusiness harmonisation for Textile Clothing and Footwear industry

Web site artisan
- ARTISAN : Energy-aware enterprise systems for low-carbon intelligent operations, European research project
- Energia su misura per l'industria tessile e abbigliamento

Researchers, Contact persons
Outcomes and deliverables
title Paper abstract Keywords WEB Page
ebXML Tools: CP-NET CP-NET (Collaboration Protocol - Networking Enterprises Technology) is a software applicat... ebxml, interoperability, collaboration modelling, interorganisation agreements click here to see the web page
Ontology Explorer The Ontology Explorer is a web tool with a dynamic interface and based on the last AJAX te... OWL Ontology AJAX GWT click here to see the web page
CustomXSD CustomXSD is a web application for the consultation, the exhaustive navigation and customi... click here to see the web page
MSH2 MSH2 is a Message Service Handler implementation supporting ebxml Message Service (ebMS) s... click here to see the web page
CustomUBL CustomUBL is an on-line application designed and developed to enable the consultation, nav... XSD XML SCHEMA 1.1 editor coconstraint UBL click here to see the web page
eBIZ-TCF Validator An on-line tool to validate conformance of electronic documents in eBIZ-TCF (Moda-ML, Shoe... click here to see the web page
Report: Trends and opportunities in interoperability standardisation: the perspective of the COIN Integrated Research project A generic methodology to master the complexity of the relationships between outcomes of a ... standard interoperability methodology
BII/PEPPOL Validator An on-line tool to validate conformance of electronic documents for BII/PEPPOL localised f... validator peppol click here to see the web page
UBL specification localised to Italy: Invoice use profile click here to see the web page
SET - energy Saving and Efficiency Tool SET Scheme is a tool to enable firms of textile-clothing Sector to manage a self-assessmen... energy efficiency, textile, industry, EM2M
click here to see the web page
Report about use of B2MML standard in ARTISAN This report is an extract from ARTISAN architecture about use of B2MML for exchanging data... Interoperability, B2MML, ARTISAN
Energy Efficiency training courses for clothing industry (SESEC project) Training courses developed in the SESEC project framework to introduce best practices and ... Energy efficiency, clothing industry, self-assessment
Report: Time for Energy Efficiency in Textiles SMEs The final public report "Time for Energy Efficiency in Textiles SMEs" has been published b... textile, energy efficiency, decision support system
EAT-SGIS tool Excel tool which enable the collection and the arrangement of information about interopera... Smart Grid, Standards, Assessment
UrbanDataset Creator for Energy Networks
Smart City Breadth Assessment Tool Excel Tool for finding Smart City application requirements. It was developed with IES-City... Smart City, Smart City Readiness
POLIS-EYE - Abstract data models for reconstructing and forecasting people flows Abstract Data Models providing a reference representation of the types of data flow useful... click here to see the web page
Feasibility study on interoperability in Energy Communities Feasibility study concerning the design and adoption of interoperability specifications im... Interoperability specifications, data exchange, Energy Commmunities, Smart City, digital twin, UrbanDataset, XML, JSON

Partnership in Projects
Acronym Abstract url_reference end_date
ECOSISTER 30/09/2025
TRICK 31/10/2024
SELF-USER 30/09/2022
GECO The Green Energy Community (GECO) is a demonstrati(...) 31/08/2022
DARE 01/07/2022
Super Craft 28/02/2022
POLIS-EYE 25/02/2022
We Light 25/02/2022
SmartChain The project performs the analysis and development (...) 24/02/2022
ENERGYNIUS 22/02/2022
EXPAND II EXPAND II intends to support the implementation of(...) 30/11/2021
NIMBLE NIMBLE will develop the infrastructure for a cloud(...) 30/04/2020
EXPAND 28/02/2019
SmartWWTPs 31/12/2018
eBIZ-4.0 The objective of eBIZ-4.0 is to take-up the well k(...) 30/11/2018
VISAGE VIrtual SAmple GEnerator for 3d textile design - V(...) 31/03/2018
ELECTRA The ELECTRA Integrated Research Programme on Smart(...) 12/12/2017
SET the project is a Promotion and Dissemination proje(...) 30/09/2016
EPOCA-UNIP 30/06/2016
TECNOPOLO 30/06/2015
12/IT- 01-01 L’ENEA supporta la società SaDiLegno e la sua pri(...)
SESEC Project for Sustainable Energy Saving for the Euro(...) 21/09/2014
ARTISAN The ARTISAN project envisions significant reductio(...) 30/04/2014
SPES SPES is a project sponsored by the CENTRAL EUROPE(...) 10/04/2014
CEN WS/eBIZ Interoperability Architecture for textile clothing(...) 30/06/2013
CEN WS/eBIZ2 Validator for Interoperability Architecture for te(...) 30/06/2013
TEXWIN Textile Work Intelligence by closed-loop control o(...) 15/03/2013
PEPPOL PEPPOL project aimed to provide a standards-based (...) 30/04/2012
SeesGen The main objectives of SEESGEN-ICT consist in prod(...) 31/12/2011
XLAB/Moda-ML Moda-ML Iniziative about Interoperability for the (...) 31/12/2011
LISEA LISEA, regional research laboratory, constitued in(...) 30/04/2011
POR eBILLING Ricerca industriale eBILLING sul tema degli standa(...) 31/10/2010
eBIZ-TCF Harmonising e-Business processes and data exchange(...) 30/06/2010
DEPUIS Promotion and training of Standards to support env(...) 31/07/2009
Leapfrog IP LeapFRog IP (FP6-2003-NMP-NI-3, contract NMP2-CT-2(...) 31/07/2009
DDTA Creation of Regional Centers of services for B2B (...) 31/12/2008
CROSS Regional Technology Transfer Center.
Textile-clo(...) 31/12/2007
TRAME Subcontracting management and optimisation project(...) 31/12/2007
Leapfrog CA Leapfrog CA, (FP6 NMP-IST), Coordinating action. D(...) 01/06/2007
TexWeave Standardisation project (follow up of TexSpin).
D(...) 31/07/2006
Spinner AEFFE Spinner AEFFE.Technology transfer project with Gru(...) 17/12/2004
Spinner MAPS Spinner MAPS.Technology transfer project with MAPS(...) 09/12/2004
TexSpin TexSpin.CEN/ISSS workshop: creation of a pre-norma(...) 15/07/2003
Moda-ML Moda-ML, FP5 ICT Take Up action: a common language(...) 30/04/2003
AIR Innovation project towards clothing industry, Biel(...)
FoodManufuture The FoodManufuture project is going to perform a C(...)
TQR Innovation project towards textile industry, Biell(...)

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