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BIBLIOGRAFIA prodotta dal laboratorio

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Report: Time for Energy Efficiency in Textiles SMEs
Autori Branchetti, Ciaccio, De Sabbata, Nigliaccio, Zambelli, Scalia, Drmac, Ramos et al.  Anno 2016
Tipologia Deliverable o report di progetto
Abstract The SET project has delivered its results in 12 languages notably the SET scheme. The latter is based on a new software for companies to monitor their energy consumption, learn best practices, and benchmark their own energy performance with their competitors or similar companies.
The document provides insight of what has been achieved and what will be pursued by companies in the near future.
Referenza_Bibliografica Report: Time for Energy Efficiency in Textiles SMEs, Report pubblico pubblicato dal progetto SET (Deliverable D4.1)
Riferimento WEB
Riferimento repository DI456-068
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Unita di Ricerca X-LAB
Keywords energy efficiency, textile, sme, energy saving, ICT for energy uses, decision support, benchmark
LastUpdate 13/03/2017
impact factor Falso

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