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ebBP-Generator is a java application to generate Business Processes descriptions through ebXML Business Process (ebBP or BPSS) standard from MODA-ML Dictionary.
ebBP-Generator is used by MODA-ML services provider to generate XML instances, according to ebBP standard version 2.0.4, to provide common Business Process descriptions to MODA-ML community.
reads from MODA-ML Dictionary to obtain the information related the MODA-ML Business Processes and their organization,
can create an ebBP XML instance for each MODA-ML Business Process or, if specified into the Dictionary, can create an ebBP XML instance for each MODA-ML Activity
for each Business Collaboration:
uses an empty ebBP template,
inserts the BusinessDocument XML elements for the MODA-ML Business Documents specifying the related XML Schema URL,
inserts and insert the Business Transaction XML elements as couple of Request and Response Business Documents or Request Business Document only,
defines the two (or more) Roles playing,
defines the Business State (as Business Transaction execution),
defines a Choreography* as Transitions
among the Business States.
at the moment the Choreography is a linear temporal sequence (without fork/join/decision gateways and without condition expressions)