ebBP-Generator is a java application to generate Business Processes descriptions through ebXML Business Process (ebBP or BPSS) standard from MODA-ML Dictionary.
ebBP-Generator is used by MODA-ML services provider to generate XML instances, according to ebBP standard version 2.0.4, to provide common Business Process descriptions to MODA-ML community.
reads from MODA-ML Dictionary to obtain the information related the MODA-ML Business Processes and their organization,
can create an ebBP XML instance for each MODA-ML Business Process or, if specified into the Dictionary, can create an ebBP XML instance for each MODA-ML Activity
for each Business Collaboration:
uses an empty ebBP template,
- inserts the BusinessDocument XML elements for the MODA-ML Business Documents specifying the related XML Schema URL,
- inserts and insert the Business Transaction XML elements as couple of Request and Response Business Documents or Request Business Document only,
- defines the two (or more) Roles playing,
- defines the Business State (as Business Transaction execution),
- defines a Choreography* as Transitions
among the Business States.
at the moment the Choreography is a linear temporal sequence (without fork/join/decision gateways and without condition expressions)
Textile Clothing industry (Moda-ML) business processes (2008-1 and 2013-1 versions)
Manufacturer-retail supply chains business processes (2008-1 and 2013-1 versions)