1) the file name of the document to send MUST be named according to specified syntax
(e.g. "MSH2_IT-12345678909_0_1.xml")
2) put the document in the Outbox/ dir
(e.g. C:\Program Files\MSH2\Outbox)
3) MSH2:
- asks if you want send the document;
- plays the CPA agreement related to Recipient-PartyId;
- read from CPA the feature to apply to document and to configure the communication;
- prepares the ebXML message and apply the features;
- sends the message.
To receive messages:
1) click on "Check" icon;
2) MSH2 checks if there are messages into the specified Mail Server with the specified message subject (Setup phase);
3) if there are messages then MSH2 does the download of them;
4) the received messages are presented in the MSH2 interface.
If you have problems during this phase, we suggest you: